Databaseret konverteringsoptimering, automatiseret og sat i system? Det lyder næsten for godt til at være sandt, men det er ikke desto mindre det Theilgaard Mortensen kan. Og fordi mange virksomheder stadig bokser med at få indsamlet, analyseret og ikke mindst operationaliseret data om brugernes handlinger, er det yderst relevant at få præsenteret deres produkt og cases på Conversionboost.
Vi satte Theilgaard Mortensens Mike Saar i stævne, for at varme os op på hvad det er de kan og hvorfor du skal tage med på Conversionboost for at høre dem:
Conversionboost: What’s Theilgaard Mortensen’s edge on conversion optimization?
Mike Saar: Our solution – Deep Vision – automatically data mines customer visits to a website to determine what stops customers from converting. We then drive out the conversion data of the ‘problem segments’ to determine how bad the impact is in both percentage terms and actual lost revenues. Then we identify the top root causes to the conversion reductions. This is conversion optimization the scientific way…
CB: Whats your greatest epiphany of 2016?
MS: Early 2016 we started to work on a project to bring our Managed Service into the Cloud. During that initial work it became obvious to me that real business users had little accurate data on true conversion rates. We kept finding that our existing customers had poor and inaccurate data from tools like Google Analytics, and were working off uncalibrated and averaged data. So I decided to bring the critical and accurate data we can capture fully into the business domain. This led to the creation of our new Deep Vision solution with data powered into Office 365 with Power BI from Microsoft.
CB: What has got your attention for 2017 – what should we be aware of in conversion optimization ?
MS: In 2016 several of our customers were attacked by hackers or even competitors and simply didn’t know it. We often found these attacks because we could see drops in customer conversion that did not immediately make sense. When we went digging into our solution we found horrible cases ranging from real fraud to aggressive competitor behavior. In all cases our customers were unprotected and unprepared for the breaches and risks they carried. In 2017 we will focus more deeply on Security and the relationship it has to Conversion and website performance.
Kom og hør hvordan Theilgaard Mortensen kan hjælpe din virksomhed – og bliv inspireret til fremtidens databaserede optimering. Kom til Conversionboost for kun kr. 2.995 (+moms)
Et specialiseret event om digital vækst og optimering.
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